Calculating the surface area of your greenhouse can be useful for different tasks, for example for picking the right greenhouse heater size. We created this tool to make it easier for you to do the math! Simply choose your greenhouse style, enter some measurements, and hit the “calculate” button.
Surface Area ≈ 0 sq. ft.
FAQs about the Greenhouse Surface Calculator
If you have trouble using the tool, have a look at this section. If you're still lost, please send us an email or give us a call.
What does surface area mean?
The surface area is the whole area of your greenhouse exposed to the elements (basically the glazing and framing). This does not include the floor space. So, you'd have to add all sides and roof together in order to get the square footage.
What is a Quonset greenhouse?
A Quonset is a tunnel greenhouse. The gable has a circular shape.
Why don't you have a gothic-arch greenhouse to select?
If you have a gothic-arch greenhouse, you can use the Quonset greenhouse style because it's the closest to a gothic arch or onion shape. Keep in mind, your greenhouse surface area will be smaller than the calculation because your gable is smaller than a half circle.
The problem with the onion-shaped greenhouses is the curve that varies for each greenhouse. So the best solution is to utilize the larger Quonset greenhouse as a reference.