• Solexx Accessories

    Solexx Accessories (2)

  • $2,114.00$2,491.00

  • $6,535.99$15,340.99

  • $3,396.99$9,933.99

  • $3,555.99$9,744.99

  • $3,845.00$11,314.99

Displaying four different Solexx Greenhouse styles (A-shape, hoop and lean-to with text saying: Solexx Greenhouses - Various solutions for your garden

What is so special about Solexx Greenhouse Kits?

Superior light diffusion

Solexx is white for a cause. Every one of the Solexx greenhouse kits feature amazing Solexx greenhouse panels, so you know your plants are getting the optimal diffused light needed to accelerate plant growth. It produces an evenly distributed light proven to stimulate plant growth by 25%. The light shines fairly spreading into every edge of the greenhouse. More daylight for photosynthesis means more healthy growth.

Undeniable durability

Solexx offers a 10-year limited UV guarantee with an even longer life expectancy. It endures snow, wind, and hail and won’t discolor or yellow over time. Best of all it expects very little maintenance. Should you need to renew the Solexx paneling at some time, the panels are readily available and easy to substitute.

The unique composite framing is made to give you years of service with absolutely no maintenance required. Just assemble the greenhouse kit and use it with no foundation required.

Most economical to heat

Solexx gives excellent insulation to hold in the heat and keep your heating expenses low. Plants flourish while customers save on power costs. Solexx has one of the leading factors of 2.1R on the business, so it keeps in the heat better than the competition saving you hundreds or thousands of dollars over other greenhouse covers.

The large aisles give you room to move comfortably throughout your greenhouse structure while the full-length benches let you take advantage of all the usable growing area.